ASL Produce’s Commitment to Superior Green Beans and Social Responsibility
In the competitive market of green bean production, ASL Produce stands out by offering superior quality beans hand-picked in Mexico. While the United States cultivates green beans in numerous states, it remains a significant importer from Mexico due to the unparalleled quality of Mexican produce. Francisco Sanchez, CEO of ASL Produce, explains that the difference lies in the harvesting method. “Mexican beans are hand-picked, whereas U.S. beans are typically harvested by machines. These machines can damage the beans, resulting in a lower quality product. Consequently, our customers receive a higher yield per box with our beans,” says Sanchez.
ASL Produce grows its green beans in open fields across Sinaloa, Guanajuato, and Baja California. These regions’ climates facilitate year-round production, though the volume varies throughout the year. The highest production occurs from December through April, dips in May, picks up again from June through October, and declines once more in November.
However, the agricultural sector faces challenges due to severe weather conditions. In particular, drought in Georgia and Guanajuato has significantly impacted production volumes, creating strong demand. “We are eagerly awaiting the rain,” Sanchez notes. “Without it, Mexico’s crops could be in significant jeopardy this upcoming season.” Despite these concerns, weather conditions in the Bajío region are expected to normalize soon. This, combined with lower summer production volumes in Mexico and stable U.S. crop conditions, has maintained a balanced and fair market price for green beans. The demand remains steady and is particularly strong for bagged green bean presentations.
Beyond green beans, ASL Produce cultivates bell peppers and squash. However, green beans remain the company’s flagship product. Demonstrating its commitment to social responsibility, ASL Produce recently launched the Hope Green Beans program. This initiative aims to support children facing serious health challenges by donating a percentage of sales from their Green Valley brand green beans.
Sanchez expresses great enthusiasm for the program, recounting how a visit to Imagina Park, an initiative by the Dr. Sonrisas Foundation, deeply moved him. “This year has been pivotal for us. We stumbled upon the work of the Dr. Sonrisas Foundation serendipitously, and I was deeply moved when visiting Imagina Park, one of the foundation’s initiatives. Seeing how the foundation boosts the morale and health of so many children and families convinced me that we’re on the right track. I hope this is just the beginning of a project that will benefit many families.”
The Dr. Sonrisas Foundation, active in Mexico and Central and South America, has transformed the lives of countless children through the efforts of over 20,000 volunteers over its 22-year history. ASL Produce invites everyone to join this noble cause through the Hope Green Beans program. “Together, we can paint the lives of many children with hope.”