In Kagdadi village of Gujarat’s Amreli district, Prajibhai Arjanbhai Thesia, a farmer with only a 6th-grade education, has redefined onion farming. While the average onion yield in the region ranges from 300 to 400 maunds (approximately 12 to 16 tons per hectare), Prajibhai has achieved an exceptional yield of 10 tons per bigha (approximately 40 tons per hectare). This staggering productivity highlights his innovative agricultural practices.
Innovative Techniques in Onion Farming
Soil Preparation
Prajibhai begins by lightly tilling the soil and applying organic manure to enrich fertility. He carefully levels the field before planting and creates drainage furrows to enhance water management, a critical step in maximizing yield.
Planting and Disease Prevention
Onion bulbs are treated with a fungicide solution for 30 minutes before planting to prevent fungal infections. He follows precise spacing methods to ensure optimal growth and reduce competition among plants.
Irrigation and Nutrient Management
Prajibhai employs a scientific approach to irrigation, using a mix of micro-nutrients like zinc and copper along with regular fertilizers such as DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate) and urea. Regular intervals of fertilizer application and pest control measures are integral to his practice.
Pest and Disease Control
Guided by recommendations from the local Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Agriculture Science Center), he adopts targeted spraying techniques to control diseases and pests, ensuring healthy crop development throughout the growing season.
Sustainability at the Core
Prajibhai’s success underscores the potential of combining traditional farming wisdom with modern scientific methods. By focusing on soil health and using organic and chemical inputs judiciously, he not only maximizes yield but also ensures long-term sustainability.
Prajibhai’s achievements highlight the transformative power of knowledge and innovation in agriculture. His story inspires farmers to embrace improved practices while adapting them to local conditions. With support from agricultural scientists and institutions, more farmers can replicate such success, ensuring better incomes and sustainable farming.