In all categories of farms, 361 thousand vegetables of open and closed ground were harvested
In agricultural enterprises and peasant (farm) farms, 190 thousand tons of open field vegetables were harvested, including: cabbage 20.1 thousand tons, tomatoes 3.2 thousand tons, cucumbers 1.6 thousand tons, beetroot 3.2 thousand tons, carrots 5.0 thousand tons, onions 85 thousand tons, garlic 14 tons, zucchini 12.3 thousand tons, pumpkin 46.3 thousand tons and 13.2 thousand tons of other vegetables.
Greenhouse enterprises have produced 34 thousand tons of vegetables since the beginning of the year, of which cucumber – 17.9 thousand tons, tomatoes – 15.8 thousand tons. In total, by the end of the year, it is planned to collect 37 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables.
The volume of vegetables produced this year fully covers the needs of the region’s residents for vegetable products.