Nationwide Produce PLC is gearing up for the culmination of the 2024 onion drilling season, despite facing initial challenges posed by persistent wet weather. Led by Farms Manager Jason Thurlow, the team is now nearing the completion of this year’s onion planting, with the final acres being drilled in the fertile lands of The Fens.
Precision Farming for Optimal Yield
One of the hallmarks of Nationwide Produce PLC’s approach is their steadfast commitment to incorporating cutting-edge technology into their farming practices. Witnessing Airidas maneuvering their brand new Fendt Tractor, equipped with the state-of-the-art Monosem drill, showcases the precision with which this season’s red onions are being planted. This investment in precision air drilling ensures that each onion receives meticulous care, ultimately maximizing both its size and quality come harvest time.
Revolutionizing Irrigation Techniques
In addition to advancements in planting technology, Nationwide Produce PLC has also made significant strides in enhancing their irrigation practices. With 50% of their growing area now benefiting from drip tape irrigation, the company is revolutionizing the way water is delivered to their crops. Tailoring irrigation methods to suit the diverse soil types and site locations, drip irrigation has emerged as the most effective solution for the flat lands of The Fens. This innovative system not only improves water placement but also ensures crop uniformity and increased yield. By directly supplying water, fertilizer, and other essential nutrients to the growing onions, drip irrigation plays a pivotal role in their development.
Anticipating a Bountiful Harvest
As the onion drilling season draws to a close, Nationwide Produce PLC eagerly anticipates the fruits of their labor. With meticulous attention to detail and a steadfast commitment to innovation, the company is poised to deliver a bountiful harvest come July. Stay tuned for more updates as Nationwide Produce PLC continues to push the boundaries of agricultural excellence in the pursuit of delivering top-quality produce to consumers worldwide. ?