With the arrival of spring, Norwegian greens growers begin their annual spring farming, laying the foundation for a fruitful growing season. Despite initial challenges such as sporadic rain and cooler temperatures, farmers in regions such as Frosta in Trøndelag and Notterøy are forging ahead, offering a glimpse into the country’s diverse agricultural landscape.
As temperatures rise, crops such as potatoes, asparagus and various vegetables must be tended to, setting the stage for a promising harvest. However, looming amid expectations are fears of a possible drought, prompting farmers to strategize for the coming months.
The transition to spring marks a turning point for Norwegian farmers as they begin their annual farming activities. In regions such as Frosta in Trøndelag, often referred to as the “garden of Trondheim”, as well as Notterøy, Löhne and Stokke, greens growers are preparing for the coming season.
Kari Helga Viken from the Viken Midtre farm in Frost shares her impressions of the progress of the work, noting recent plowing and preliminary plans for planting potatoes. Meanwhile, Brødrene Freberg DA, operating in Notterøy, Lehne and Stokke, provides a comprehensive overview of its activities, including the cultivation of various crops and the preparation of the coveted Hwasser asparagus.
Weather concerns remain in the early stages of spring farming. Bernt Freberg highlights the impact of recent rains and predicts potential drought until mid-summer. While challenges remain, optimism prevails as farmers navigate uncertainties and strive for successful harvests.
As Norwegian green food producers welcome the arrival of spring, they embark on a journey full of expectations and challenges. From the fertile lands of Frosta to the gardens of Notterøy, Lena and Stokke, farmers work tirelessly to grow a wide variety of crops. However, with looming weather uncertainty, including the threat of drought, resilience and adaptability remain paramount. Despite the obstacles ahead, the dedication of Norwegian farmers underscores their commitment to sustainable agriculture and providing a bountiful harvest for the nation.