Chairman Mauro Grossi: “We invite all operators to come and visit us at the CIV booth to discover all the latest news from our breeding program, such as our latest CIVM65/Desy and the CIVM49pbr/ RedPop.”
The C.I.V. – Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti of San Giuseppe di Comacchio (Ferrara), leader in varietal innovation, especially of apple/strawberry, will participate in the 2022 Interpoma International Fair dedicated to the world of apples that takes place every two years in Bolzano in South Tyrol (17-19 November) with its own exhibition space in the CD Pavilion Booth D25/18.
“At this appointment – says the CIV Chairman, Mauro Grossi – we will present an extremely varied apple portfolio: from early to late varieties; red, green and/or yellow, bicolour; eco-sustainable with low environmental impact; scab-resistant and with excellent characteristics of long shelf life and excellent organoleptic qualities”.

“In particular – continues Grossi – we will present our latest varietal innovations such as the CIVM49pbr/RedPop variety and the new CIVM65*/Desy apple variety. The CIVM49pbr variety, launched on the market by the exclusive Licensee VOG with the RedPop brand, is a sweet and crisp apple, characterized by a carmine red coloration, with a slightly striped skin: beautiful to the eye and satisfying on the palate. The new CIVM65/Desy apple variety developed by the exclusive European Licensee Rajpol Sp. z o.o. as well as the interesting CIVM35* variety and other advanced CIV selections currently under development will be present at our stand in Bolzano.”
“During the Bolzano fair – concludes Chairman Mauro Grossi – the CIV will have the opportunity not only to present the latest apple news to the main operators in the sector but above all to meet our Licensees/International Partners with whom we have strategic-operational partnerships/collaborations at a global level.”
In order to be able to respond to the increasingly specific needs and requirements of producers and consumers and to the continuous global climate-environmental change, the CIV Genetic Improvement/Breeding Programme has always been based on the following pillars: natural rusticity, ease of cultivation, productivity, adaptability to different pedoclimatic conditions (for conventional, integrated and organic production), resistance to the most important diseases and an increasingly eco-sustainability (for example reduced water and nutritional requirements) with fruits that have long shelf-life characteristics, high organoleptic characteristics and distinctive aesthetic appearance.
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