In many places, sales fell short of their potential. Due to the restricted catering trade, purchasing did not change towards the otherwise strong Christmas business. Only in Berlin was there a slight upturn in market activity. Here, prices for domestic goods stabilized. Provided that the offer did not turn out too luxuriantly, the traders could maintain their prices of the previous week. Locally, French Agatas, Cheries or Santés were offered, in addition to increasing new Annabelles from Cyprus. In Hamburg, Cypriot Annabelles were offered at €27 per 25-kg bag and in Frankfurt and Munich they sold for up to €30 per 25-kg bag, according to the latest BLE report.

Rhineland-Palatinate: Prices at last week’s levels
The pre-Christmas business is going a little better here. Cypriot winter crops are now also expanding the range in food retail at prices around €2.50/kg. It will not be possible to implement the planned price adjustments for domestic stored goods by the turn of the year. Changes are only expected for ware potatoes from cold stores. Direct marketers report good sales. Prices are at the previous week’s level, reports the Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Agriculture.

Hesse: Fast deliveries, lowered prices for export markets
At the beginning of the current week, potato business is quiet, writes the State Office for Agriculture in Hesse. In the next few days, a revival is expected. Especially since renewed sales campaigns are expected to boost demand. Meanwhile, export markets are signaling increased demand in quick deliveries at lowered prices. Saleable merchandise is available to meet demand. Producer prices remain unchanged from the previous week. Peelers and processors in particular are suffering from the cancellation of Christmas markets and restrictions on out-of-home catering. This is leading to weak demand from the food service sector.

Lower Saxony: Satisfactory Christmas business
According to the basis (grading 35 – 65, less than 8% defects, light- and firm-skinned goods, loose, free collection point per 100 kg), the following prices were paid last week:

According to the Lower Saxony Farmers’ Association, surcharges or discounts are still possible, depending on quality. Please note the following market information: Christmas business has been satisfactory so far, without any major upsets. Supply and demand were in balance.