By order of Rosstandart, the national standard GOST R 70575-2022 “Products and food with improved characteristics. Greenhouse vegetables. General technical requirements and production rules”, developed by JSC Tander together with Roskachestvo within the framework of the technical committee for standardization TC 708 “Environmental labeling”.
The standard establishes technical requirements and rules for the production of greenhouse vegetables with improved characteristics, including those grown using hydroponic production technology, intended for consumption both fresh and as agricultural raw materials with improved characteristics for further industrial processing. According to the standard, the requirements for the content of pesticides, toxic elements, radionuclides and nitrates have been tightened compared to the current standards.
glavagronom.ruPhoto:glavagronom.ruThe standard will come into force on March 1, 2023 with the right of early application.
The new standard will reflect all the requirements contained in Federal Law No. 159-FZ “On Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food with Improved Characteristics” regarding production processes, as well as specific requirements for growing greenhouse vegetables, taking into account the reduction of the negative impact on the environment.
The standard will come into force on March 1, 2023 with the right of early application.
Vegetables that meet the requirements of this standard can be labeled with the Green Standard conformity mark after the manufacturer has passed the voluntary certification procedure in an accredited certification body. Information about producers of vegetables with improved characteristics will be entered in the register of producers of agricultural products, foodstuffs, industrial and other products with improved characteristics, which is maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
“Federal Law No. 159-FZ “On Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food with Improved Characteristics” is a consequence of the Government’s policy of greening the agro-industrial complex. The approval of the Greenhouse Vegetables Standard is our planned work on the preparation of a series of standards for “green” products, the production of which is characterized by a reduction in the burden on the environment. The theme of responsible production and responsible consumption is in the focus of Roskachestvo. We will continue to work on “green” standards for new product categories.”