It won’t get any worse: where will the price of the “borscht set” go by Tatyana Ivanovich January 13, 2023 0 During the New Year holidays, there was a traditional rise in price in Russian stores. The vegetables of the borscht ...
“Price increases of €4 to 5 per 100kg would be necessary to cover costs” by Tatyana Ivanovich February 2, 2022 0 For the Bavarian potato sector, this year's season has been rather challenging so far. The reason for this is the ...
Watermelons & melons – market at the antipodes by Demin Alexey July 7, 2021 0 The demand is strong, the price is there, but the availability of watermelons - especially of good quality - in ...
Onions stocks will be trashed in Ukraine due to the lack of demand by Demin Alexey June 19, 2021 15 It seems that Ukrainian vegetable growers are experiencing serious problems with the sale of onion stocks from their 2020 harvest.
Ukraine: Early cabbage dropped 33% in one week by Demin Alexey June 17, 2021 5 The price of white cabbage of the new harvest in Ukraine is on a downward trend.
Shipping costs account 60% of the price of onions exported from China to Europe by Demin Alexey June 9, 2021 250 Shipping costs are rising fast, while shipping is often delayed.
Persistently pricey onions and carrots by Demin Alexey May 24, 2021 0 Yellow onions have increased slightly in price this week. Red onions remain price-bearing and the price of carrots and B-carrots ...